Perennial Meditations
Perennial Meditations
Lost in Thought

Lost in Thought

Becoming Every Day (Vol. 2)

No transcript...

The Thinking Woman by Alexej von Jawlensky (1912)

Dear Friends,

Regarding the art of transformation, the topic of our new series is Becoming Every Day; it is essential that we are able to work with the mind skillfully. This series offers brief guided meditations (with many ideas and concepts) connected with our upcoming course — Wisdom is the Way.

Previously, I asked — “What does it actually mean to self-improve?”

We discussed how transformation is not as straightforward as we think. In this episode of the podcast, we are turning our attention to the role the mind plays in the art of transformation.

Who is your enemy? The mind is your enemy. Who is your friend? The mind is your friend. Learn the ways of the mind. Tend the mind with care.

— Buddha

One of my favorite teachers on working with the mind is the writer and former monk Jack Kornfield. In his fantastic book Wise Heart, he writes,

The first step for us in working with the storytelling mind is to notice the endless stream of thoughts and commentary that plays along with our experience. Almost everyone who sits down to meditate is startled by this process. Even though we try to focus our attention on our breath or body or a prayer, we are interrupted by a torrent of ideas, memories, and plans. […]

*** These meditations are slightly unscripted; listen to the audio for the entire episode.

Thank you for reading; I hope you found something useful.

Until next time, be wise and be well,


P.S. For those interested in transformation, I encourage you to check out our upcoming course, Wisdom is the Way, and our weekly meetup, Reading & the Good Life (Fridays at Noon EST).

Perennial Meditations
Perennial Meditations
Welcome to The Perennial Meditations podcast with J.W. Bertolotti from the Perennial Leader Project. Perennial Meditations brings you short reflections on ancient wisdom for everyday life. Each reflection is based on ancient philosophical and spiritual traditions designed to help you live your highest good. To learn more, visit